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الثلاثاء، 5 فبراير 2019

كلمات اغنيه حرقة كرت - عايشة

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كلمات اغنيه  حرقة كرت - عايشة

نعم ســـرى طيف من أهوى فأرقّني والحب يعــــــترض اللذات بالألـــم لولا الهوى لم تُرق دمعا على طلل ولا أرقـــــت لذكر البـــــــان والعلم ان تجودي فصليني اسوه بالعاشقين او تظني فاندبيني في ظلال الياسمين وَلَوْ كفتا هالاسى كلو مهما جرى بالبال بتضلو وَلَوْ عســـــاك تعـــــود موفـــــق بكـــــم شـــــي مـــــن تـــــراب هالمشعـــــلي هلحبـــــاب.

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  1. Ok...

    What I'm going to tell you might sound pretty weird, and maybe even a little "out there..."

    BUT what if you could just press "Play" to listen to a short, "miracle tone"...

    And magically attract MORE MONEY into your life??

    I'm talking about hundreds... even thousands of dollars!!!

    Think it's too EASY?? Think it's IMPOSSIBLE???

    Well, I've got news for you.

    Usually the most significant miracles in life are the easiest to GET!!!

    Honestly, I will provide you with PROOF by allowing you to listen to a real-life "miracle abundance tone" I've synthesized...


    You just click "Play" and you will start having more money come into your life.. it starts right away..

    GO here now to PLAY this magical "Miracle Wealth Building Tone" as my gift to you!!!


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